Interesting Science Behind How Our Thinking Affects Our Look

Saturday 19 July 2014 1 comments

Purposeful Life Changes When Rewire Your Brain

How to think?

Neuroscientists have discovered the strategy for rewiring the brain. Contrary to popular approaches, this strategy involves more than just positive thinking or working hard.

In fact, there are five pathways that must be activated in order to create new neural networks in the brain.

Rewire Your Brain

1. Identify the beliefs that support your intention.

Seeing is not required for believing. In fact, you have to first believe it is possible if you expect to truly see it manifest in your life.

 2. Embrace your positive emotions.

Emotion is the fuel, the juice or the power behind accomplishing your intention. Without emotion a thought is neutral, it has no real power. In other words, it is not enough to repeat positive affirmations if you are not feeling anything.

3. Visualize.

The brain can’t tell the difference between something real or imagined. When you mentally rehearse your new habits, you strengthen your ability to create them in your life.

4. Take actions that support your intention.

Your actions have to match what you say you want and vice versa. You can’t think and feel one way and act another. In other words, you won’t rewire your brain if you eat donuts while repeating affirmations of being healthy and fit. Similarly, you won’t rewire your brain if you go to the gym but complain about how much you can’t stand working out.

5. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Change requires practicing a new habit. It follows the principle, "use it or lose it."
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+ comments + 1 comments

19 July 2014 at 12:06

Helpful Article!!
Thank you so much..!! :)

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