Life can be tricky. There are traps galore, and most of them
we are probably not even aware of. None of us seeks to waste our lives, it just
seems to happen. Awareness is the key, but it’s never so simple. Here are six
signs that you may be wasting your life. If you find that a few of them apply
to you, don’t fret. Have a sense of humor about it. Laugh at yourself. And then
pull yourself out of the trap and jump-start your life. Sometimes you have to
wreck your life in order to fix it.
1) You’re unhealthy: mind, body, and soul
If you worry too much
and you tend to dwell on the past and do a little too much of #2 in this
article, you may be unhealthy in mind. If you never exercise and you are not
eating healthy food and moderating unhealthy food, you may be unhealthy in
body. If you never practice mindfulness or meditation and you never embrace
nature and solitude, you may be unhealthy in soul.
2)You are overly negative
“Choose” is the
keyword in the above quote by William James. This is a big one. Happiness is
indeed a choice. If you’re overly negative, generally glass-is-half-empty, and
complain too much, then you are choosing poorly. There’s a wealth of joy to be
savored in this life. Start savoring it. Begin now. With enough practice those
negative thoughts will fade away, and even when things go horribly wrong you’ll
appreciate how they can make you stronger, and therefore happier, in the long
3) You don’t challenge yourself enough
If you never leave
your comfort zone, you never travel, and you always have a reason or excuse for
not trying something new, then you may be wasting your life. The universe is an
amazing place. There is so much to learn, so much to experience. If you’ve
closed yourself off to most of it, then your life will reflect that.
4) You let others tell you how to live
There’s nothing wrong with good advice. But remember: it’s
up to you whether it is good advice or not. Nobody knows you like you do.
Nobody else has your unique memories. You are, or should be, the driving force
in your life. If you are allowing somebody else to drive your life, then you
may be wasting it. Question all authority, especially those telling you how to
live. Question this article even.
5) You don’t feel worthy
Self-worth is both one of the easiest and one of the most
difficult things we can choose to have. It usually takes courage, because it
usually asks that we “act” worthy even before we “feel” worthy. If you find
you’re feeling worthless often, then it’s time to act worthy. Trick yourself
into higher cosmic resonance. Jump-start your soul with an act of worth that
will cause your comfort zone to quake like it was drawn over a fault line.
6) You spend too much time worried about money
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