Interesting Attitudes Regarding to School

Monday 18 February 2013 0 comments

Interesting Attitudes Regarding to School

A1. The Work Hard Mentality - This is the attitude of doing your best and making lots of sacrifices to get the A’s that you need. For example, you know you are working hard when everyone else is spending their break time going out or having fun while you are staying at home or the library focusing on getting ahead.

A2. Super Focused. - This is when you aren’t easily distracted or swayed away by other desires. When you are super focused, you are diverting all your energy towards your studies and reaching the final goal.

A3. Being Responsible. - This is when you do what you say you are set out to do. For example, you say you want to get 90% or higher in the course and you know that to get it you have to make exceptional sacrifices. You have to work really hard, be really focused and continually strategize. If you fail to reach your goal and you blame it on some external factor that you could have controlled, then you are not being responsible.

A4. Prioritize Your Studies - It’s very rare for people to be academically successful and at the same time have a really good social life or life outside school. If you feel that at any time you have to make a decision between school or other things of interest, choose your studies. Over and over again, the most successful individuals are the ones who go to school and have these mindset.

A5. Finding a balance? People would often suggest finding a balance in your life between school and social life (families, friends, meeting people etc), because it’s easier on you mentally. If you focused too much on school and be like me who used to stay home all the time to study, then you will end up becoming mentally drained. If that happens, you need go out have a fresh air do something else for a while. However, if you could bare through it all, then do it because at the end of the day, your grades are based on the efforts you put in entirely to your studies.

A5. If you have a passion outside of school, work at being really exceptional at it. If school is only a means to an end, then you may want to develop another talent that pays you.

A6. Find confidence in yourself. Where do you draw your confidence from? Past achievements? Your ego? The possible outcome from doing really well? Knowing what motivates you can sometimes set you on focus and raise your level of confidence.

A7. Seek Help When Necessary. If you’re not gifted, and you’re one of those hard workers who has earned their grades through hard work (like me), don’t be afraid to ask for help. Look for tutors, book office hours with teacher, form study group with friends, etc. Don’t be stubborn or think that just because you are not gifted you have to prove that you are by doing everything yourself.

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