6 Best Ways to stay motivated

Tuesday 19 February 2013 0 comments

After we’ve found our motivation, how do we stay on top of it? Maybe you’re trying to get fit, lose weight, or start your own business. Maybe you’re trying to do several things at once.

Getting motivated and inspired is the first step of a goal. We start going to the gym for the first week, set a schedule, make plans and things go smoothly at first. Soon after the enthusiasm begins fading and it becomes easy to end up at abandoning your goal.

These are some ways I found useful to stay on top of your goals, whatever they might be:

# 1: Start on easy goals – all goals take time and effort, and trying to accomplish more than three or four at a time is more than most people can.  Try and pick your most important goals, and remember everything takes time. A good strategy is choosing goals that can relate to another (eg. If you’re trying to get fit, it may be a good idea to have a secondary goal of trying to eat healthier, whereas if you’re number one goal is to write a book, it may not be a good idea to work on starting a business at the same time).

#2 Think ahead – one reason why we might not accomplish our goals is because we fail to prepare. You may have heard the saying: “if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. It’s extremely easy to make excuses to give up on goals such as going to the gym and getting fit due to social events getting in the way.

Look at your schedule/agenda over the next few days/months and ask yourself: “Is there anything that might cause problems/conflict with my goals and schedule?” If you know that weekend you may be going away, you might plan on going to the gym on Monday and Wednesday instead of Monday and Friday. If your friend is throwing a big party and you’re on a diet, you may want to save your “cheat day” for this occasion.

#3 Start good habits – a habit starts by constant repetition.  We wake up and brush our teeth and shower regularly, these are habits we developed and are considered a normal part of our day. When it comes to starting a new good habit, it can be difficult but definitely achievable.

Let’s say we’re trying to get fit, finding a way to add exercise to our daily routine may help you achieve that. For instance, if you struggle to find time to exercise, you may consider biking to work, and a few push-ups when you wake up and a few before you head to bed. By developing good habits you’ll find it much easier to make progress.

#4 Keep track – when you’ve been working on your goal for a long time, it may feel like you have not made any improvement. If you look all the way back from the start, a few weeks, few months ago, you will often be surprised how far you’ve come. Whether you’ve lost one pound or five pounds, increased from 10 pushups to 15 pushups, it’s still an accomplishment you should be proud of.

A good way to keep track is by keeping a log or journal and writing down all your achievements, big or small, at the end of each week or month, or just recording statistics (eg. Body fat percentage). It’s not so important how you keep track but just doing so keeps you going. You may just want to take a picture of yourself at the end of each month and compare month 1 with month 5.

#6 Seek support and Encouragement – it’s easier to stay on track when you’re surrounded by positivity. Try and associate with people who have the same goals in mind as you or friends, family, or colleagues who encourage you towards your goal.

Find groups that have the same people seeking that same goal you want to accomplish. Eg. Join a book club, find a gym class or dieting club. These should provide you with the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and goals who you can share enthusiasm and offer support and Encouragement.

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