How Maintain Passion Stable in Relationship

Tuesday 12 February 2013 0 comments

Here is some information about How to keep the passion going in relationship

There are two types of relationships, one of passion and one of contentment and from there, it’s all about creating the balance.

When you meet, it’s all about the passion.  As your relationship develops, the contentment side appears and you become more comfortable with your partner.  This can be a good thing and a bad thing!  On the good side, you know and understand them better, you know what you’re having for dinner that night and you know if they like dark chocolate or milk chocolate.  On the bad side, you may not be as sweet and loving as you were when you first met, you can sometimes take the other person for granted and even worse, your personal hygiene can start to slide!

In order to keep the passion going in your relationship, you need to be able to balance the passionate side with the contentment side to make sure that each side is getting it’s fair share.

When you first start dating, you can’t get enough of the other person so you spend a lot of time together and that scale tips way over to the passion side.  You tend to neglect friends and family and just want to spend all your time together.  Be careful not to go too far down this path as you need to have your “alone time” and you need to have some time apart.  Remember the old saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder”?  It’s true!

Passion isn’t just about sex either.  It can be created through holding hands, snuggling on the couch, sleeping in each other’s arms – anything that stimulates your senses.  Touching is a powerful tool that shows the other person you care, you are there and you are loved.  If you practice the art of touching, you won’t even have to worry about how to keep the passion going in a relationship, it will just be there naturally.  And what could be more fulfilling than that?

- Miss. Walley

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