Identify a person character using his/her hand writing

Saturday 14 July 2012 4 comments

The Psychology of Hand Writing:
You can easily identify yours friends character using his/her handwriting. The study of handwriting is known as Graphology. Graphology is the study of character from hand­writing. It takes us into the underworld of the sub­conscious, to the secrets we keep even from ourselves.

In the previous post we posted about it gives the full history of study and definition of graphology here. But in this post we are posted only technique to study the mentality of person.

Understanding Graphology:
Your handwriting develops right from childhood. When you write, your pen is under the control of the muscles of your fingers, hands and arm. All these body parts are under the control of your mind. The manner in which the words are eventually formed by the pen must bear a direct relationship to the mind that guides their formation. Each vibration of movement is unconsciously directed by the brain, so we can judge the mental state of the writer. It is a guide to the will power, intellect and emotions of a person.

For an accurate analysis, written text should have been written in a natural manner and the effort should not be deliberate. The best samples are business letters or notes.

What Facilitates Analysis

A study of the following facilitates analysis :-
The size of the letters.
The style of writing based on lines.
The spacing of lines and words.
Letter formation.
The angle or slant of writing.
It's also important to know the age and educational standards of the writer. Obviously an old man's hand will be shaky when you compare his writing to a relatively younger person.
The interpretation of the writing or the written script is common for both men and women.

Analysis Based on Size of Letters

The size of the letters is indicative of the following:-

Very Small Writing:
Tiny writing indicates the artistic nature of the writer. People with this style go into the details of whatever they are doing. Generally they specialise in a particular field. They have an aim in life and do not waste either time or energy.

Small Size Writing:
This indicates an intellectual and scholarly person with a keen sense of observation. These people are meticulous and methodical and are destined to do well in life.

Medium / Average Sized Letters:
This is characteristic of a methodical and well-balanced person with a healthy mind. They are suited to business rather than service. Worldly-wise, they can grasp things quickly and well despite being relatively less educated.

Large Sized Letters:
They show an active and restless mind. People with this handwriting are large hearted, self reliant and can influence others quickly. Very talkative, if they concentrate more on themselves, they can succeed easily.

Very Large or Huge Lettering:
People like these feel that they are important. They cannot face criticism and therefore are definitely successful.

Constant / Same Size of Letters:
This is indicative of a methodical mind.

Decrease in Size of Letters:
Writing like this indicates a great level of cunning.

Increase in Size of Letters:
Handwriting that gets larger indicates great frankness.

Analysis Based on Level of Writing

Straight Lines: If lines are straight, the person has will power and determination. If they are absolutely straight, the person could be rigid. If a little irregular, the person has skill in many fields or has the capability to acquire one or more.

Downward Slant: A downward slant is indicative of a dismal outlook. These people are pessimistic, moody and gets discouraged easily. If the writing has a prominent down ward slant, then they should be cautious because they can be foolish. They may try to get others sympathy by expressing this quality. If a person is not well physically and his or her writing has an extreme downward slant, it is not a good sign. It should be taken as a warning.

Upward Slant: People who write this way are usually ambitious. They are also optimistic. If your handwriting has an upward slant, you probably can talk a lot, could be over-confident and sometimes unreliable. If the slant has a slight upward trend, then it is a good sign. If the slant is very steep, all these qualities are exaggerated.

Irregular Lines: If the lines go upwards, but only towards the end of a sentence, particularly near the bottom of the page, they indicate a strong personality. Such people are courageous even in adversity.

Falling Lines: If at the end of a line and at the bottom of a page, your lines fall, it means you get irritated and worried easily. You are weak and prone to stress.

Dipped Lines: Lines which dip in the centre and rise again later indicate a half-hearted approach to work. People with such a hand start on work half-heartedly, with no purpose. Later they get enthusiastic and finish the task well.

Humped Lines: These are lines that rise in the centre like a hump and then dip once again. These people start work enthusiastically but soon get discouraged and leave the task mid way.

The significance of spacing

Line Spacing: This is an important aspect of hand writing analysis. It proves how important it is for the analyst to have a number of samples of a person's writing to provide an accurate judgment of an individual's personality traits.

Close Spacing: If the lines are very close to each other and have no space in between, they show a confused personality with diverse thoughts crowding the mind.

Average Spacing: These people are never in a hurry. They are casual and clear in thought, and in their day- to -day behaviour. They are well balanced and fair in their dealings.

Wide Spacing: Many famous personalities possess this type of spacing. They are methodical careful and intelligent. Overall these are people with strong character.

Connected Writing: When the letters of each word are connected it is called connected writing. These people are firm, bold, clear, and are positive attitude. They work in a refined way and are perfectionists. It is the mark of an outright sceptic.

Broken Writing: Here, a few letters are disconnected. This type of writing indicates an ability to judge human character. Their writing looks rhythmic and signifies a fine flow of thought and interspersed with quick inspirational touches. It is indeed the writing of intelligent people.

Disconnected Writing: Here every letter is separate. These people live in dreams and have a poetic mind. Inevitably, this is a person who loves art and nature. Do not confuse this handwriting with printed letters.

Cramped Writing: When the words are cramped they indicate people who are extremely expressive. Those with this type of writing are cautions about money matters, bargain a great deal and are suspicious by nature.

Spaced Writing: When words are very far apart, they belong to people who expressive but extravagant. Exhibitionists, they are socially active and fond of good life. They can never be systematic and are usually spend thrift. They forget things easily and should be careful in money matters.

Some Finer Points of Judgement / Analysis Based On Letter Formation.

Rounded Letter: Writing of this type has rounded formations. It seems as if the writer has written in comfort and at leisure. These people are lazy, luxurious, and hate to do hard work. They have all the time in the world to chat but still think that they are busy. However, they are also peace- loving, law-abiding and crave the better things in life.

Block Writing: These letters are plain simple and unadorned. The writing is straight. People of this type are hard-working, meticulous and practical. They are generally busy and are reserved by nature.

Angular Writing: This is distinguished from 'Block' and 'Round' types of writing. People who write this way are full of energy and life. They want to lead people but are aggressive and desire quick results. They do not take criticism well. If the writing is too angular it shows a person as money-minded. If moderately angular the writer could be wise, loving and experienced.

Single Letters: If the size of the letter does not change, it indicates that a person is very careful and conscious. These people never neglect their duties and are careful to finish whatever task is assigned to them. They are usually absorbed in the minutest details of any work that they undertake.

Irregular Letters: Writing of this type is full of large and small letters. These people are rarely reliable and could be fickle. They take the most convenient route to anything.

Small to Large Letters: Writing of this type indicates restrained behaviour. These people are eager to express themselves, work hard and want to get success through honest means.

Large to Small Letters: This shows a tactful and friendly nature. People like this make good use of their connections. They are fair in all their dealings.

Finer Significance of Angle/ Slant
One of the most important aspects of graphology is the angle or slant of a person's writing. This needs special study since the variations though minimal, are significant.

If a slant is at 60 to 70 degrees, it shows the person as sensitive, emotional and imaginative. They get aggressive at the slightest provocation and have an intense nature. One should be very careful when dealing with them, since they get excited very quickly.

If the slant is at 70 to 80 degrees, these people are very generous and very kind. They can make others happy and this helps them build careers. They share their happiness with others.

A slant of 80 to 90 degrees is very common. This style is widely used and has a slight tilt towards the right. It indicates a cordial nature and a friendly attitude towards others. These people are genuine and usually take things easy. It is not difficult to manage people of this kind.

If the slant is right-angled at 90 degrees, it shows a selfish nature. These people are analytic and unemotional, but could also be sincere and reliable. They always recognise obligations and hence prove good friends.

If the slant is at 100 degrees, it indicates that the person remembers all the good and bad things that have happened in the past. It shows a nature that is suppressed and controlled, and which therefore could collapse when faced with problems and difficulty.

If the slant is at 120 degrees, the person is cold and self-centred, and has no respect or regard towards others.

Read this techniques carefully these may help you lot to identify your friends character

Right slant indicates a response to communication, but not how it takes place. For example, the writer may wish to be friendly, manipulative, responsive, intrusive, to sell, to control, to be loving, supportive, just to name some possibilities.

If the handwriting is generally upright, this indicates independence.
A left slant tendency shows emotion and reserve. This writer needs to be true to self first and foremost and can be resentful if others try to push for more commitment from them.

Handwriting is made up of three zones - or cases - middle, upper and lower. A basic average measure - or benchmark - by which size can be judged is 3mm per zone. This gives a benchmark for a non-remarkable full height of 9mm. More than this is large; less than this is small.

Large size handwriting can mean extravert and outgoing, or it can mean that the writer puts on an act of confidence, although this behaviour might not be exhibited to strangers.

Small size can, logically, mean the opposite. Small size handwriting can also indicate a thinker and an academic, depending upon other features in the script.

If the writing is small and delicate, the writer is unlikely to be a good communicator with anyone other than those on their own particular wavelength. These people do not generally find it easy to break new ground socially.

Heavy pressure indicates commitment and taking things seriously, but if the pressure is excessively heavy, that writer gets very uptight at times and can react quickly to what they might see as criticism, even though none may have been intended. These writers react first and ask questions afterwards.

Light pressure shows sensitivity to atmosphere and empathy to people, but can also, if the pressure is uneven, show lack of vitality.

upper zone or case (as in l, t, h, etc)
Tall upper strokes are reaching towards goals and ambitions or, if they are very extended, there may be unrealistic expectations of what the person feels they must achieve.
If there are reasonably proportioned upper zone loops, this indicates someone who likes to think things through and use their imagination in a sensible way. Wider upper zone loops indicate more of a tendency to dream up ideas and mull them over.
If the up-stroke goes up and then returns on top of itself, the writer may be squeezing out imagination and keeping to the basic requirement of getting down to the job in hand.

lower zone (as in g, y, p, etc)
Lower loops are also varied and have different meanings.
For example a straight stroke shows impatience to get the job done.
A 'cradle' lower stroke suggests an avoidance of aggression and confrontation. A full loop with heavy pressure indicates energy/money-making/sensuality possibilities, subject to correlation with other features.

A full lower loop with light pressure indicates a need or wish for security.
If there are many and varied shapes in the lower zone, the writer may feel unsettled and unfocused emotionally. Again the handwriting analyst would look for this to be indicated by other features in the script.

word spacing
The benchmark by which to judge wide or narrow spacing between words is the width of one letter of the person's handwriting.
Wide spaces between words are saying - 'give me breathing space'.
Narrow spaces between words indicate a wish to be with others, but such writers may also crowd people and be intrusive, notably if the writing lacks finesse.

line spacing
Handwriting samples are always best on unlined paper, and particularly for exhibiting line-spacing features.
Wide-spaced lines of handwriting show a wish to stand back and take a long view.
Closely spaced lines indicates that that the writer operates close to the action. For writers who do this and who have writing that is rather loose in structure, the discipline of having to keep cool under pressure brings out the best in them.

page margins
The sides of the page each have a meaning.
The left side margin shows the roots and beginnings/family.
The right side shows other people and the future.
The top is goals and ambitions.
The foot of the page shows energy, instincts and practicality.
Therefore margins are very informative.
If the writer has a wide left margin, the interest is in moving on. If it is narrow, caution and wanting to avoid being pushed before they are ready is indicated.

Narrow right margin shows impatience and eagerness to get out there and on with things.
Wide right margin shows that there may be some fear of the unknown.

middle zone or case (as in a, c, e, etc)
These middle zone shapes can give some particularly interesting information.
The middle zone in the script represents the ego - from it we get a lot of information as to how the writer feels and acts in public settings - what makes them tick socially and at work.
Some people's handwriting consists of only one single style, but many people will have a mixture of two handwriting styles or more.
Again this provides useful information.

All of these features have potentially positive and negative connotations; the analyst uses the flow and facility (ease, smoothness) of the script to infer a positive or negative interpretation.

This means that the middle zone of the writing is humped and rounded at the top like a series of arches. It is in the basic style of copy-book, though it is not taught in all schools. Writers who use this can be loyal, protective, independent, trustworthy and methodical, but negatively they can be secretive, stubborn and hypocritical when they choose. The most important characteristic is group solidarity against outsiders.

Garland is like an inverted 'arcade' and is a people-orientated script. These writers make their m's, n's and h's in the opposite way to the arcade writer, like cups, or troughs, into which people can pour their troubles or just give information. The Garland writer enjoys being helpful and likes to be involved.

Angled middle zone is the analytical style, the sharp points, rather than curves, give the impression of probing. The angle writer, is better employing talents at work and for business or project purposes, rather than nurturing, which is the strength of the garland writer.
As with any indicators of personality style, the interpretation doesn't mean that each writer needs to be categorised and prevented or dissuaded from spreading their talents and interests, but the analysis can helpfully show where the person's strengths can be best employed.

Thread handwriting is like unravelled wool, waiting to be made up into something fresh. These writers are mentally alert and adaptable, but can also be elusive and lack patience. They are responders, rather than initiators. They can be very clever at drawing together strands of information and making something of them. Therefore they observe and bide their time, so that decisions are made at the most appropriate moment.

Wavyline handwriting is often an amalgam of all or most of the other forms and is usually written by people who are mentally mature and skilful. It shows that they can call on a variety of responses, to suit the occasion and indicates good coping mechanisms. They are adaptable and resourceful.

These features and interpretations provide a small but useful guide as to the way people behave, and particularly how they handle their social requirements. Check your own handwriting against these pointers to see what you can learn or confirm about yourself, and see also how effective even just a few simple graphology techniques can be in revealing personality style.

Understanding the personality through handwriting is a valuable way of making the best of both personal awareness and interpersonal situations for the benefit of all concerned.

The aim in using graphology to analyse a person's handwriting must always be positive. The interpretation should enable people analysed to use the understanding gained, to help them live their lives to the highest level of satisfaction that they choose. In a professional or organizational context, graphology can play an important part in enabling working relationships to be forged that will enhance the quality of the group or team performance.

As a child you were taught to write, but it's not likely that you still write in the way you were taught. The fact that you don't helps to explain the reason graphology exists and why graphology can be used to interpret personality. gives the only interesting topics of psychology and you need not to be a professional to understand the articles in the psychtronics. They are easy to understand to every one and it is mainly for the college students and Psychiatrists.
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+ comments + 4 comments

24 November 2013 at 20:53

Handwriting analysis is quite interesting. One can make out the confidence level very easily. And its like a two way process; if one needs to improve one's inner self, it can be done by correcting the handwriting. To boost up your confidence level, write bigger words with good spaces in between. Once you get into this habit, over time you will see a rise in your confidence level.

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25 October 2014 at 05:18

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21 December 2015 at 12:32

Nice article.but it will be good and easy to analyse..if you could provide some samples of handwriting...

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