Graphology: The study of Handwriting

Friday 13 July 2012 1 comments

Graphology is the study of a person's character through the medium of handwriting. The study of handwriting is based on a general style of writing, the formation of letters, the alignment and space between words and lines etc. Through this study, we can get an idea of a person's character, mentality and attitude towards a particular field of profession, and much more. Also read the techniques to study a person character here.

It works because handwriting is body language on the page. It reflects all the character traits of the writer – their dreams, foibles, intelligence. Everything that makes them who they are.  And it is virtually impossible for anyone to prevent their handwriting from revealing these secrets.
Finding out what someone is really like is impossible if we only look at how they behave or what they say. We have to go deeper to find the truth about them.

How much do you really know about yourself, your friends, your lover, your children?  Everything we do says something about us. From the way we shake hands, to how we drive a car. But many of our actions are designed to conceal our true nature, to hide what we actually think and feel.

The principles of graphology are very simple. Every­thing on a page of handwriting – or missing from it – says something about the writer. It is like a jigsaw where all the pieces fit together but have a hidden message as well as a revealed image.

Many of the deductions made in handwriting analysis are really commonsense. Think about how people behave at a party. Some people love the beat of music and spend most of their time dancing, enjoying the attention their actions attract. Others prefer to find somewhere quiet and talk with friends. We make judgements of character from this behaviour.

We could make similar judgements by looking at their handwriting. The showy, affectionate, active person will have large, flamboyant writing which demands your attention. The quieter, more reflective soul will have smaller, probably neater and more controlled writing, with pointers to a slightly less exhibitionist personality.

 Two of the most common things people say about handwriting are:
‘I have two different styles of writing’, and
‘I can’t read anything my doctor writes!’

Let us examine the first statement. It is true that some people have styles of writing which appear, on first sight, to be different. However closer examination usually reveals that the key character indicators are the same in both samples. The changes are merely cosmetic. Professionally trained handwriting analysts identify the character even if the writings appear to change.

The next statement is on the doctors writing. It does seem to be true that many doctors have a particularly illegible script. There are two reasons for this. The first is doctors are usually under a lot of pressure and are carrying out the task as quickly as possible. Writing in a hurry leads to neglected letter forms.

The second point is that, illegible writing is subconsciously deliberate. The writer does not want everyone to be able to read it. Why? Well doctors, like lawyers and some other professionals, are in the secrets business. Part of their job involves knowing things but not letting on. This requirement has crept into their writing style.
Graphology theory and history

A person's handwriting - the script - and its placing on the page express the unique impulses of the individual: logically, the brain sends signals along the muscles to the writing implement they control. By examining a handwriting sample, an expert graphologist is able to identify relevant features of the handwritten script, and the way the features interact. The features, and interaction between them, provide the information for the analysis. (No single handwriting sample will exhibit all 300 different features of course - a typical analysis will involve far less).

No single handwriting feature proves anything specific or absolute by itself; a single feature alone can only identify a trend. It is the combination of features, and the interaction between them that enable a full and clear interpretation.

Graphology is actually a very old and respected science - the study of handwriting and its analysis was first developed by the Chinese 3,000 years ago. The Romans used graphology, and through the centuries since then various civilisations and cultures have analysed handwriting to identify the essence of the person who produced it.

The modern approach to handwriting analysis was established by a group of French clerics, led by Abbe Michon, who defined key aspects of the science in the 1870s, after 30 years of study. This work formed the basis of modern graphology, although the science is still being researched and expanded today.

Professional graphologists operate to a strict code of ethics, and these experts are constantly in demand; those who use it recognise its value in the workplace as an additional method of understanding character. It is therefore an extremely useful tool in identifying the quality and capacity of an individual's talents and potential, particularly in career guidance and improving relationships. Like other powerful behavioural or intuitive models, it is not easy to explain how and why graphology works, nevertheless it continues to be used, respected and appreciated by many because it achieves a high level of results. gives the only interesting topics of psychology and you need not to be a professional to understand the articles in the psychtronics. They are easy to understand to every one and it is mainly for the college students and Psychiatrists.
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1 August 2013 at 14:33

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