9 things that can make you less attractive, according to
Here are the things that can make you less attractive
Aren't there things we're all guilty of doing that can
decrease our attractiveness?
The answer is almost definitely yes. What follows is a list
of common traits and behaviors that can make it harder to impress the object of
your affection.
1. Sleep
We generally look a lot less attractive after skimping on
In 2010, researchers took photos of people who'd slept for
at least eight hours the night before and people who hadn't slept in 31 hours.
Other participants rated the people in the photos on different criteria.
Not only were the sleep-deprived people perceived as more
tired (obviously), but they were also perceived as less attractive, less
healthy, and sadder.
2. Being
Do nice guys really finish last?
For a 2014 Chinese study, researchers had men and women look
at photos of other people, all displaying neutral expressions.
Some of those photos were accompanied by the Chinese words
for “decent” and honest“; the others were accompanied by the Chinese words for
”evil“ and ”mean“; still others weren't accompanied by any information.
Participants ended up rating people least attractive when
they were described as evil and mean.
3. Contractive
body language
If you've heard about the “power pose,” you know that
expanding your body can make you feel more powerful and confident, while
curling inward can make you feel less so.
According to 2016 research, that contractive body language
can also make you seem less attractive. In one study, researchers created
profiles for men and women on a GPS-based dating app. In one set of profiles,
the men and women were pictured in contractive positions — for example, by
crossing their arms or hunching their shoulders.
In the other set of profiles, the same men and women were
pictured in expansive positions, like holding their arms upward in a “V” or
reaching out to grab something.
Results showed that people in expansive postures were
selected more often than those in contractive postures. And men pictured in
contractive postures seemed to be at a special disadvantage.
4. Stress
Chill out — you might look hotter.
A 2013 study found that women with high levels of the stress
hormone cortisol were perceived by heterosexual men as less attractive.
The researchers say that's possibly because high cortisol
(and lower stress) levels indicate health and fertility.
5. Looking
too happy or too proud
While happiness is generally attractive on women, girls
don't like guys who are too smiley.
By contrast, while pride is typically attractive on men,
guys don't like girls who look too proud.
In 2011, researchers conducted experiments on more than
1,000 people, showing them photographs of members of the opposite sex and
asking them how attractive the people in the photos were.
Results showed that men rated women most attractive when
they looked happy and least attractive when they displayed pride. Women, on the
other hand, rated men most attractive when they displayed pride and least
attractive when they looked happy.
6. Not
having a sense of humor
A guy walks into a bar … fumbles a joke and leaves alone.
A 2009 study found that not being funny at all — and even
having an average sense of humor — is less attractive than having a great sense
of humor.
The study also found that gender didn't play a role — a poor
sense of humor was equally unattractive in men and women.
7. Laziness
A clever series of experiments published in 2004 found that
perceived attractiveness depends a lot on traits like helpfulness.
In one experiment, researchers asked students in a six-week
archaeology course to rate each other on different personality traits as well
as attractiveness, at the start and the end of the course.
When they analyzed the results, the researchers found that
even students who'd been rated average at the beginning of the course were rated
less attractive than average later on if they'd proven to be lazy.
8. If
you smell too similar or too different
Science suggests humans seek out mates who are neither too
similar nor different genetically — and we make these judgments partly based on
body odor.
In a 2006 study, for example, researchers recruited
heterosexual couples to answer questions like how much they were turned on by
their partners and how many other people they'd had sex with during the course
of the relationship.
Meanwhile, the researchers took DNA from the participants'
mouths as well as their partners' and brought it to the lab for testing.
Specifically, they wanted to compare their major histocompatibility complexes,
which are immune-system genes.
The researchers found that the more similar their MHCs were,
the less attracted the participants were to their partners and the more likely
they were to have had sex outside the relationship.
At the same time, studies have also found that we avoid
partners who smell too different from us.
9. If
you're tempted to lie about your age or your income to make yourself seem
hotter, don't.
Research suggests that dishonesty is a major turn-off for
both men and women. For the 2006 study, participants read blurbs about men and
women, who were described as either intelligent or unintelligent, dependent or
independent, and honest or dishonest.
Then they were asked to rate the people on a number of
criteria, including how much they liked the people and how attractive those
people were.
As it turns out, honesty was the only trait out of the three
to have a substantial effect on attractiveness and liking.
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