10 Interesting Myths About Autistic Adults
Stunning Myths About Autistic Adults
Myths About Autistic Adults
1 in 68 children in the US has autism spectrum disorder
according to the CDC. But what happens when those children grow up? They will
join millions of autistic adults who are usually ignored and sometimes spoken
about in crude, whispered stereotypes.
By learning about and sharing these common myths, you’re
helping to end the stigma that autistic people face daily. Thank you.
Myth 1:
Only children have autism. Adults grow out of it.
Autism is a lifelong disease. As autistic people grow up,
they tend to gradually become better and managing their own symptoms and
adapting to the world around them. However, the core features of autism do not
change (1).
Myth 2:
You’re supposed to say, “Person with autism”.
The American
Psychological Association (APA) has long advocated the use of person-first
language (e.g., people with autism) to reduce bias in psychological writing.
But recently autistic adults themselves have begun promoting
use of identity-first language.
Because of this discrepancy, new writing includes both forms
of speech. (6)
How should you address a person with autism? Simply ask them
about it and respect their choice.
Myth 3:
Vaccines cause autism.
Autism is very clearly not caused by vaccines.Despite
celebrity claims, the single study that found a link was found to be
fraudulent. Its author Andrew Wakefield was attempting to market his own
vaccine, so he skewed the data, hoping to profit. The study was retracted, his
license was revoked, and many studies have proven him wrong. (7)
Myth 4:
Autism only affects boys.
Girls and women have greater risk of missed diagnosis, or
being mis-diagnosed for a number of reasons.
First, women tend to be better at adapting quickly and
masking their challenges and symptoms for fear of social exclusion.
Additionally, professionals still see autism in a
male-centric light, so they are more likely to diagnose a female (with the same
symptoms as a male) as simply having depression or anxiety. (4)
Myth 5:
There is nothing good about autism.
The growing community of autistic individuals is seeking to
dispel the belief that they are something to be fixed or healed. Instead, they
suggest that autism is part of your personality, character, and “what makes
you, you.”(14)
Autistic people deal with sensory sensitivity but some
studies suggest that their heightened awareness can be beneficial during
activities such as listening to music. (13)
People with autism also tend to have many intellectual
strengths such as open-mindedness, creativity, and love of learning. (15)
Myth 6:
Autism is responsible for all of a person’s negative traits.
It’s very common for
people with autism to have comorbidities such as Social Anxiety, OCD, or Major
Depressive Disorder. (4)
Autism is sometimes assumed to be at the root of anxious,
depressive, or neurotic behaviors but the reality is that these other disorders
could be the actual cause.
Myth 7:
Some people are just too “Low Functioning” to ever be happy. Happiness
and quality of life are determined by many factors, but the degree of
disability isn’t one of them. (8) This means that autistic people have the
capacity to be happy and have a high quality of life no matter how severe their
disabilities are.
Myth 8:
Autistic adults just want to stay unemployed and collect disability. Autistic
adults tend to have a higher quality of life when they are employed. (9) This
is because paid employment is a source of pride and meaning for people with and
without autism (10).
There is a severe lack of employment opportunities for
individuals with autism and that impacts their community participation and
quality of life (11).
There are very few opportunities for vocational training for
individuals transitioning into adulthood and the ones that do exist tend to be
of poor quality. (2)
Myth 9:
Autistic adults have no friends.
The autistic community is truly becoming its own culture as
its members discover their unique but shared thought processes and ways of
doing things. New language is even emerging from this community. (14)
People with autism often find friendship, empathy,
acceptance, education, and connection in these communities.
10: Autistic adults don’t need much support.
Autistic adults are making major advances in life and doing
things that professionals never expected.
Colleges are struggling to establish support services
appropriate to the needs of their increasing percentage of autistic students.
(5) As more young adults with autism are gaining employment, vocational
training programs are being pushed to keep up. (5) Communities may also try to
provide support on how to engage socially and communicate effectively so as to
support those autistic persons who wish to be more communally involved.(5,3)
Many programs and services expire once a person turns 18,
but there are clearly many areas that autistic adults need support in to reach
their full potential: A potential that seems to just keep growing and
1. Korkmaz, B. (2000). Infantile autism: Adult outcome.
Seminars in Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 5(3), 164-170. doi:10.1053/scnp.2000.6727
2. Taylor, J. L., Mcpheeters, M. L., Sathe, N. A., Dove, D.,
Veenstra-Vanderweele, J., & Warren, Z. (2012). A Systematic Review of
Vocational Interventions for Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Pediatrics, 130(3), 531-538. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-0682
3. Spain, D., & Blainey, S. H. (2015). Group social skills
interventions for adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders: A
systematic review. Autism, 19(7), 874-886. doi:10.1177/1362361315587659
4. Williams, C. V. (2016). Diagnosing/Recognising High
Functioning Autism in Adult Females: Challenging Stereotypes. Autism Open
Access Autism-Open Access,6(3). doi:10.4172/2165-7890.1000179
5. Carr, S. E. (n.d.). Quality of life in emerging adults
with autism spectrum disorder(Unpublished master’s thesis).
6. Dunn, D. S., & Andrews, E. E. (2015). Person-first
and identity-first language: Developing psychologists’ cultural competence
using disability language.American Psychologist, 70(3), 255-264.
7. No harmful association between MMR vaccine and autism.
(2015). The Pharmaceutical Journal. doi:10.1211/pj.2015.20068402
8. Rentry, J., & Roeyers, H. (2007). Quality of life in
high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 10(5), 511-524.
9. Burgess, S., & Turkstra, L. S. (2010). Quality of
communication life in adolescents with highfunctioning autism and asperger
syndrome: a feasibility study. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in
Schools, 41(4), 474.
10. Grandin, T. (2012). Different… Not Less: Inspiring
Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults. Future Horizons.
11. Chan, F., Wang, C. C., Muller, V., & Fitzgerald, S.
(2011). Vocational rehabilitation outcomes: A multi-level analysis of economic
indicators, VR agency characteristics, and RSA-911 data. Phase one report.
Madison, WI: Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Effective VR
Service Delivery Practices.
12. Wehman, P. (2013). Transition From School to Work Where
Are We and Where Do We Need to Go? Career Development and Transition for
Exceptional Individuals, 36(1), 58-66.
13. Bouvet, L., Mottron, L., Valdois, S., & Donnadieu,
S. (2013). Auditory Stream Segregation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Benefits
and Downsides of Superior Perceptual Processes. J Autism Dev Disord Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(5), 1553-1561. doi:10.1007/s10803-013-2003-8
14. Lengel, L. M. (2015). A Culture of Loneliness: Asperger
Syndrome Tiffany S. Campbell Bowling Green State University International
Communication COMM 4090.
15. Kirchner, J., Ruch, W., & Dziobek, I. (2016). Brief
Report: Character Strengths in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Without
Intellectual Impairment. J Autism Dev Disord Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2865-7
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