Practically possible ways to be less socially awkward

Wednesday, 9 September 2015 0 comments

Practically possible ways to be less socially awkward


How to be More Socially comfortable.

How to be Less Socially Awkward
1. Recognize that you’re not the only person who feels this way. Many of the people around you will be feeling self conscious and ill at ease as well.

2. Try not to over-analyze every situation, and how you come across, or appear to other people. That will only undermine your self confidence, and make your behaviour seem unnatural and forced.

3. Try to figure out the source of your feelings. For example, have you been criticized, bullied or shamed, or been made to feel that you’re just not good enough?

4. Recognize the thought patterns that are common at these times – like “I’m useless, inferior and don’t know what to say.” Then tell yourself you’re playing the same old record again.

5. Notice people who like you and who affirm who you are, and notice why they like you – then remind yourself of that.

6. When you start to feel anxious about being with other people remind yourself that others seem to like your company.

7. Imagine a scene where you’re feeling confident. Replay that mental picture as often as you can. It will help to change your feelings so you feel more confident.
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