7 Practicalaly possible tips to Become more Positive

Tuesday, 9 September 2014 0 comments

Life can be very challenging. With constant demands being placed on our time, it can feel like life is happening to us, not for us. We can get caught up and allow other people and events to run our day, sometimes missing out on opportunities for ourselves.


1. Use visualization to reinforce what you want to become.

If you really want something, visualize it. Take your focus off of what you don’t want, and spend more time thinking about what you do want.  It might take some conscious effort, especially in the beginning. But, eventually you will spend more time visualizing and focusing on what you do want, that you’ll start to see it happening!

2. Express gratitude for everything good in your life.

It’s very important to realize the power of being grateful for what you have. Typically, it’s very easy to focus on what is going wrong instead of what is going right. Research shows, again and again, that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis are healthier, happier, and more effective.

3. Place inspiring quotes all around you.

We’ve had the great fortune of living after and amongst some of the greatest human minds: William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Norman Vincent Peale, Confucius …  The list is quite literally endless. Find a person or persons who inspire you the most and surround yourself with their words. This is so, so powerful.

4. Read motivating books.

Not the corporate drivel that your workplace or school has assigned you, but real, powerful, uplifting books. Books that will open your mind and keep you dreaming. Books that will make you appreciate and value yourself. Books that will empower and inspire you to become and do more – there are many, many literary masterpieces out there that will do this.

5. Become a student of meditation.

Meditation is not just for spiritual gurus or yogis. Meditation is a practical way to bring peace, tranquility and consciousness in the midst of our busy lives. You can practice traditional yoga or even try an exercise that puts you in a meditative state like walking, running or yoga. A good 15 minute meditation can do wonders, but even 1 minute of your time can help.  Seriously, Google “How to Meditate in One Minute”! Meditation helps ease anxiety, anger, depression, stress, and insomnia.

6. Be around positive people.

“You are the company you keep.” This quote says it all. If you hang around and interact with negative, downtrodden people, how do you think you’re going to feel and act?

7. Take on a hobby or passion.

Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself – that’s the secret to a happy life and better you. Put work and obligations aside once in a while and do something that you love. Of course, if you love your work  and it doesn’t feel like work, then BINGO  you are definitely on the right path.
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