7 Life Lessons You Don’t Have to Learn in the Hard Way

Thursday, 11 September 2014 0 comments

We grow through life as we go through life, and a large part of that growth comes from the life lessons we learn. Some lessons open your heart, and some lessons open your mind, but beware the lessons that close you, for they will leave you blind.


Many things can be attained from these life lessons, and the best part is, you don’t even have to learn them the hard way.

Here are 7 life lessons you don’t have to learn the hard way.

Life teaches us to be aware of our thoughts.

Our mind produces 50,000 thoughts per day.  Of course we can’t be conscious of them all, but we can make these subconscious thoughts work to our advantage through constant reminders.  Programming your mind by allowing the right neurons to fire together will create a new positive framework that your brain operates on.

Life teaches us to let go of what no longer serves us.

When the time comes to move forward in life, you’ve got to see the signals.  The Universe can’t deliver what you’ve been waiting for if you’re not creating the room in your life it requires.

Life teaches us that happiness is a choice to be made.

Choosing happiness doesn’t have to be difficult.  It all starts with your first thought.  Were you happy to wake up this morning?  Express it! Your actions are important, but your reactions, and your choice to be happy are your very own.  Ultimately, your own happiness depends on you.

Life teaches us to keep it simple.

Making things complicated, creating drama, and beating around the bush are all ways to complicate your life.

Life teaches us to see the good ahead.

Bob Proctor once said “It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”

Life teaches us to say “I love you” more.

No one is guaranteed their next breath.  Saying I love you to those you care for is the most powerful sentence in the world.  Why not take advantage of this power?  Not only is it important to say I love you more, it’s equally important to prove it with loving actions.  It can be as simple as a phone call or a postcard – either way, your positive actions have a positive effect in someone’s life, and in turn, on the world.

Life teaches us to see our true potential.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and reaching your goals depends on whether you believe you can.  When you believe that you have the same ability as anyone in the world to attract the life you desire, your potential energy becomes kinetic more and more.  Let your light increasingly shine and never look back!
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