13 Amazing Facts About Your Brain

Monday, 23 December 2013 12 comments

13 Amazing Facts About Your Brain

13 Ultimate Facts  About Your Brain

Did you know that your brain needs to make an effort when you laugh at a joke and 12 percent of our dreams are in black and white?

Let’s have a look at some amazing facts about the human brain: 

1. It’s not true that we only use 10% of their brains. Each part of the brain has a purpose.

2. Have a headache? It’s not your brain that hurts. There aren’t any pain receptors in your brain.

3. Your brain is the organ with the most amount of fat in your body – about 60 percent.

4. Wonder why you don’t act out your dreams? Your brain creates a hormone to stop you from doing this.

5. Most people have 4-7 dreams each night, 50% is forgotten five minutes after you wake up.

6. You are not dreaming if you snore.

7. They call it beauty sleep for a reason. This is when your brain files away all your memories during the day.

8. You can’t tickle yourself and laugh because your brain knows it’s your own touch – as opposed to someone else tickling you.

9. It takes some effort to laugh at a joke – five different areas in your brain are involved.

10. The brain is not the only place with brain cells, your heart and gut also have neurons – the phrase “Gut Feeling” .

11. Your brain makes up to 23 watts of power when you’re awake – enough for lightbulb.

12. You have around 70,000 thoughts per day.

13. The slowest speed information passes around your brain is approximately 260 mph – that’s a the speed of the world’s superfast cars.

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+ comments + 12 comments

25 December 2013 at 09:28

Was not aware of the Gut Feeling part.

25 December 2013 at 10:12

70,000 thoughts a day--how would you go about measuring such a thing? How would you even separate them if you're letting your mind wander for, say, twenty minutes straight in a constant stream?

25 December 2013 at 12:57

This all seems pretty hokey to me. Just because laughing uses x parts of your brain doesn't mean laughing takes "effort". Rather the opposite, it seems to me. "Neurons" are nerve cells, not just brain cells, so of course your body is full of them. You have an elaborate neural network in your gut but that has nothing to do with "gut feelings". And I sure can snore and dream at the same time.I have sleep apnea and was shown an EEG/respiration chart where my REM often coincided with snoring. And why shouild storing away memories be called "beauty sleep"?

I hate to be such a prig, but we deserve better from a site that claims to be "psychology with neuroscience."

30 December 2013 at 03:08

Why is there no sourcing. Also, how can anyone know with certainty that 12 percent of our dreams are in black and white. If there is something behind that, I'd just like to be pointed in the right direction. I don't enjoy following facts blindly.

13 September 2014 at 04:24

You need to use your brain frequently

13 March 2015 at 09:39

I believe they got their facts mixed up. 12% of people dream in only black and white, not 12% of everyones dreams are in black and white. (According to a NY Times health article http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/health/02real.html?_r=0)

13 March 2015 at 09:39

I believe they got their facts mixed up. 12% of people dream in only black and white, not 12% of everyones dreams are in black and white. (According to a NY Times health article http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/health/02real.html?_r=0)

28 April 2015 at 23:49

I am aWeb services provider and this really help me out thank you so much.

6 May 2015 at 07:21

wow is good

@Gregg Robinson

It didn't actually say it takes effort to laugh- but effort to laugh at a joke.

This process makes one have to use their language, comprehension, creativity, as well as other areas to create an authentic experience.

18 June 2015 at 17:12

Being an eye doctor, i should also know all these facts. good to read. Thanks for the post.

16 July 2015 at 19:26

O then I should not use my brain for making any idea.
I must take very good care of it.

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