6 Ways to Induce Nightmares

Thursday 8 August 2013 0 comments

1. Think about what it is that gives you nightmares. Does watching Chuckie give you the creeps? Will Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets make you want to hide under your bed and never come out? Maybe it’s something as simple as public speaking! Before you go to bed, expose yourself to something scary.

Turn off the lights and watch that screamer you’ve been saving. Read a few chapters in the latest best seller by your favorite horror author. Spend some time going over your presentation, fantasizing about how it will go. Go to bed immediately afterwards. Don’t give your mind an opportunity to distract itself by watching another show or reading another book.

2. Increase the sodium and spice before bed. Many people find eating salty or spicy food before bed can make their dreams both vivid and frightening. Have some popcorn with that scary movie, nibble on a pickle or some olives as you enjoy that page-turner, or crunch some pretzel sticks as you review your presentation. Better yet, combine the salt and spice with some tortilla chips with extra-hot salsa. Don’t make it a habit, though. It’s not a good idea to regularly eat junk food, especially before bed.

3. Take a Vitamin B6 tablet an hour or so before bed. B6 has been shown to increase the intensity of dreams, making them both more vivid and more memorable.

4. Command that dream! As you fall asleep, tell yourself what you’d like to dream about. Auto-suggestion can be a powerful tool. It doesn’t always work, but when it does it can really surprise you. Besides, never hurts to try!

5. Start a Dream Journal. Keep a notebook and pen by the bed and write down all your dreams as soon as you wake up. For some reason, dreams quickly fade from our memories. Writing them down as soon as you wake will help you remember details. Be sure to write all your dreams down, not just the bad ones. Keeping a dream journal will help you induce dreams and remember them

6. Keep Trying. If you didn’t have a nightmare, keep at it. The human mind is very complex, and you might not have that nightmare for a while. Something is bound to scare you sooner or later!

Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Induce-Nightmares
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