What Your Friends Reveal About Your Personality

Wednesday 24 July 2013 0 comments

They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep. What do your friends reveal about you? Here are some of the things that our types of friends reveal about our personalities:

 A1: Small groups. If you prefer to hang out with smaller groups of one or two close friends it means that you are a very loyal person. You value a close-knit, family feeling, and you put a lot of time and energy into your friendships. You get to know each of your friends very well and they know you inside and out. You are more comfortable getting to know only a couple of people really well, rather than being acquaintances with a large group. You value trust and loyalty above all else.

A2: Big posse. If you’re always surrounded by a big group of friends, you are a very social person. You are extroverted and outgoing and love the dynamics of a big group. You get bored easily and don’t like to commit to one thing at a time. You enjoy variety and getting to know lots of different people at once. You aren’t shy about revealing who you are to lots of people at the same time.

A3: Lots of different groups. If you are friends with lots of different groups of people it means that you have lots of different tastes, and you thrive when presented with a variety of options. You might have a group of school friends, work friends, sports friends, etc. and you love the hustle and bustle of juggling all of the different personalities in your life. You enjoy a fast paced environment and do well under pressure. You are spontaneous and easy going.

A4: The same friends forever. If you’ve been friends with the same group forever it means that you are loyal and enjoy routine. You are organized and methodical and enjoy repetition. You love the bond that you have with people you’ve known for years and you enjoy building on the strong bond that you have. You are willing to stick with your friends through thick and thin.

A5: Always have a new BFF. If you are constantly making new friends and always have a new best friend it means that you are curious and inquisitive and love to see what the world has to offer. You don’t want to commit to anything for too long in fear of missing out on something new and exciting happening. You love variety and new experiences and love having new people to share them with. You thrive in the initial stages of a relationship where you are getting to know each other and can often get bored when you feel like you know someone too well. You don’t like to be predictable.

A6: Your friends are jerks. If you hang out with a group of people who aren’t known for being very nice to other people, or to each other, then you are somewhat insecure and lacking confidence. You might know that your friends aren’t very nice, but can’t leave them or find a new group because you lack self confidence and the assertiveness you need to stand up to the group. You may be introverted and prefer to sit back and listen while others in the group take the lead. Just because your friends are jerks it doesn’t mean that you are as well, but you need more self-confidence to stand up to their bad behavior.
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