Interesting Types of Toxic Friends

Thursday 6 June 2013 0 comments

Different Types of Toxic Friends
At one time or another we all experience a toxic friendship with someone who simply isn’t good for us. Help rid your life of these toxic people by identifying them. Toxic friends can come in many forms – here are some of the common types:

A1. People who use you: If someone uses you to better a situation for themselves, or for their own personal gain at your expense, they are a toxic friend. No real friend would ever use you to try to gain something for themselves. Toxic friends will often dump you as soon as they get what they want, or they’ll keep you around if they think they can do it again and again.

A2. People who put you down to feel good: Some types of toxic friends need to see you suffer in order to make themselves feel good. They might insult you or enjoy watching you screw up or get hurt in order to feel good about themselves. Clearly, these people are not true friends. A true friend would never want to see you get hurt, and would feel badly along with you when things go wrong.

A3. People who only want to be friends when you’re struggling: Some people thrive on others misfortunes and love to swoop in to be the hero. They only want to be friends with you when you’re down and out so they can treat your recovery as their own little project. They aren’t really interested in you as a person; they just want to get validation for themselves by helping you through a struggle. They will drop you like a hot potato the minute you start having success or happiness in your life.

A4. People who only want to be friends when you’re thriving: Some toxic friends only want to come along for the joy ride when things are going well in our lives. They want to come to celebrations when you get a promotion, drink champagne at your wedding and come along when your uncle takes the entire family on a cruise, but they split the minute you need help or are struggling. These are also known as “fair weather friends” and are best to be avoided. Find a true friend who wants to be part of your life in good times and in bad.

A5. Yo-yo friends: These are people who are hot and cold and jerk you around. You never know where you stand with them or if you’ll be on their list of people they love or hate from one day to the next. They love the power of keeping you guessing and love the fact that they can make or break your day depending on how they treat you.

A6. Two-faced friends: This type of toxic friend will be sweet and kind to your face but will bad-mouth you behind your back whenever they get the chance. Two-faced friends seem great because you don’t actually see their dark side. You might not even realize they’re two faced until you’ve caught them talking behind your back.

A7. People who betray you: These are people who will reveal your secrets that you’ve told them in confidence, or will try to cheat you out of something you’re working for, or will try to steal your boyfriend/girlfriend. People who betray you in any way are not your friends.

A8. People who lie: If someone can’t be honest with you, then they aren’t a true friend. Someone that needs to lie for any reason is a toxic friend. The lies could be small or major – it doesn’t really matter. If you can’t trust them, they’re toxic.

A9. People who dump you when something better comes along: Some people will be your greatest pal – until someone or something better comes along. Watch out for people who want to be your best friend one minute and then ditch you when they think something cooler is happening. A true friend would want you along for the ride.
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