Why People Cheat in relationships According to Psychology

Friday 19 April 2013 0 comments

It’s the age-old question: why do people cheat? No matter how loving of a relationship they’re in, or how great their partners are, people still cheat. There are a number of reasons why people turn to infidelity in their relationships and here are some of them:

 They’re bored. People often cheat as a way of adding excitement or drama to their lives if they’re bored. They may be bored with their relationship or their partners, or they may simply be bored with their own lives. Cheating often has little to do with our partners and more to do with being unhappy with ourselves.

They’re attracted to something that their partner lacks.People often cheat with people who are very different from their partners, as a way of trying out something new. If your partner is very controlling, you might be attracted to someone else who is a free spirit. People often cheat as a way to take a brief break from something in their relationship that is bothering them, so they look for someone who has qualities that they feel their partner lacks.

 They need an ego boost. Sometimes people cheat as a way to boost their ego and feel like they still have the power to attract other people. When you’re in a relationship for a long time it’s easy to get complacent and let the romance fizzle out. People often don’t feel desired by their partners and love getting attention from another person. It makes them feel like they are still attractive to other people and gives them a sense of validation that they are missing.

 They like the thrill of it. When people start to feel bored with their lives or their relationships, they start looking for ways to find excitement or create drama. Cheating can be the perfect way to get this thrill in their lives: sneaking around, trying not to get caught, and even the idea of the arguments that would happen if they were caught can be exciting to people who feel their lives are mundane.

 They want revenge. If a person has been hurt by their partner they may cheat as a form of revenge. Trying to hurt their partner is a way to deflect their own feelings of being hurt.

 They’re simply not happy. If a person cheats, it may be because they are simply not happy in their relationship. They may feel that they aren’t appreciated, that their partner isn’t right for them, or that the spark is gone and they have become complacent. Some people move on by cheating instead of just ending a relationship that has gone stale.

 They want to make their partner jealous. Cheating can be a form of game playing, if one person in the relationship is trying to make the other jealous. In a healthy relationship this type of game playing doesn’t take place, but if one person is looking for a way to make their partner desire them more or see how it feels to lose them, cheating is often a way that they try to do this. Often just implying that they want to cheat is enough to make their partner jealous.

 They’re trying to sabotage the relationship. Deep down, some people don’t believe that they deserve to be happy and they often sabotage good relationships when they start to get too close to their partner. The idea of a healthy, strong relationship scares some people who don’t believe they deserve happiness. These people will often cheat as a way of hurting their partner to the point where they’ll end the relationship.

Source: http://psych-quotes.tumblr.com/post/47902544801/why-people-cheat
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