Decode the Words of Guys Using Psychology

Thursday 4 April 2013 0 comments

What He Says, But Really Means

Cracking the code to guy-speak can be mystifying. Communication can seem like pulling teeth, unless you know the secret behind some of the classic things that guys say. Here are 5 things that guys say all the time, and what they really mean:

A1. “It’s up to you”. When you’re deciding on where to eat or what movie to choose, guys will often say this as a way of surrendering. They know that you won’t be happy with whatever they choose, so they’re just handing the reins over to you to make the choice in hopes of avoiding a long and painful discussion about it.

A2. “I’ll call you later”. What “later” means for a guy can be very different from what a woman thinks. He’ll call when he gets around to it – it just might not be for a couple of days.

A3. “I’m really tired”. This is guy-speak for “I need a break”. They don’t want to hurt your feelings or get into a fight about not wanting to hang out with you. Also, they might have a hard time admitting that they just need some down time. What this really means is that they want to go home and do whatever they want, by themselves. So give him some space to do that and he’ll come back to you later, rested and happy.

A4. “I’m not looking for anything serious right now”. Guys say this as a way of letting you down gently. They aren’t that into you and don’t want to pursue things with you but don’t want to hurt your feelings or deal with the confrontation of actually saying that. So they’re making it about them, assuming that if they can’t give you a serious commitment you’ll back off.

A5.“You look fine”. Guys say this when you ask how you look or whether or not you look fat. They use words like “fine” or “ok” to indicate that they think you look good. They don’t know that you want to hear words like “beautiful” or “amazing” and guys aren’t good at choosing flowery, descriptive words when something simple will do. They aren’t trying to be insulting and they don’t have any underlying message here, so don’t take offense if your guy says this.

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