10 things I believe with 3 reasons Each

Monday 21 January 2013 0 comments

Interesting Philosophical view

1. The root of the tree of knowledge is chance, and its sap the study of chemistry.

A. The depressed see things as they really are. But what could be more cheering than seeing things as they are?

B. This would be a paradox, if both states weren't utterly dependent on chemistry.

C. The chemistry of life and temperament is the ultimate lottery.

2. The Universe we live in is completely without point.  

A. It's in the nature of a goal that it lies outside what it's a goal of.

B. So what else is there besides The Universe?

C. Besides, just look at all the reasons ever given for thinking the universe does have a point.

3. Truth is absolute; truth telling, and truth hearing, relative.  

A. If each person were the measure of all things, none could ever be taught a language. "Not Orange, Lozenge", the teacher would say. "Lozenge to you, Orange to me," the child would answer.

B. The plausibility of relativism comes from these tautologies: I cannot be told a truth I cannot grasp. To utter at you a truth that you cannot grasp is not to tell it to you.

C. But it could work on myself. Though I cannot grasp a truth, yet I can shower in the stream of its words, until its familiarity makes it into something I am reminded of when I hear the next incomprehensible truth. That's when I'll declare the first understood.

4. Knowledge is general; existence is particular.

A. What exists, exists at some place(s) and time(s). That's what it is is to be particular.

B. Whatever you know about it could have been known of something at a different place and time. That's enough for knowledge to be general.

C. This makes knowledge of particulars contingent. Leibniz, and love, paper over this contingency with the illusion, or stipulation, that particulars are unique.

5. We are animals, and everything worth knowing about us derives from biology.

A. Including the social.

B. It is idle to object that natural selection wasn't the only force shaping evolution: where it didn't invent, it had to permit.

C. If we're not animals, why has so much energy been spent denying that we are?

6. The madness of religion and the wisdom of science have the same source.

A. The source is imaginative doubt: Both religion and science begin by doubting that the obvious is all there is.

B. Then imagination must invent what might lie behind the obvious.

C. Only then do science and religion branch, depending on whether imagination has hit on the idea of reason.

7. Civilization is built on accident, illusion, and mystery.

A. The patterning on the edge of chaos is the condition of life, which is therefore an accident.

B. Our lives are not governed by reason, but once we discover the trick of thinking we acquire the illusion that reason is a ratchet and that we can't backslide.

C. It is completely mysterious how tyranny can ever fail to triumph.

8. Death is the mother of beauty.

A. For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we endure yet grade.

B. Beauty is the thrill we get from trying to bridge the gap between the knowable general and the existing particular.

C. Love is the acute consciousness of the impossibility of possession.

9. Sex is only slightly more likely to be pure than love.

A. By II, talk, and therefore love, is often either sterile or deceived.

B. Talking is only slightly less relevant to sex than to love.


10. Nothing is sacred.

A. see 1-3

B. see 4-6

C. see 7-9

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