Stunning Facts on Depression

Saturday 29 December 2012 0 comments

Stunning Facts on Depression

1. Being diagnosed with depression doesn’t mean you are crazy, weak, or a failure.

2. Often depression runs in families.

3. There is a link between low self-esteem and depression.

4. Experiencing a significant loss, or coping with an ongoing stressful situation, are both common causes of depression.

5. Negative thought patterns and core beliefs can contribute to negative moods and feelings of depression. They can also make it more difficult to fight and cope with depression.

6.  Although depression can be devastating to both sufferers and their families, the good news is that depression generally responds to treatment. For example, there is a large body of literature confirming the effectiveness of both CBT and antidepressant medications.

7. There is also some evidence indicating that natural remedies (such as St. John’s Wort) may be helpful for mild to moderate depression.

8. It is worth experimenting with different forms of treatment as individuals who don’t respond well to one approach often respond well to another approach. 

9. Evidence indicates that regular exercise has a positive effect on mood, and can help when you’re fighting depression. (Some have argued that it is comparable to the benefits of antidepressant medications).

10. Many people have found that journaling is helpful for expressing their thoughts and feelings … and then dealing with these in a more objective way.

11. People who are battling depression should limit their consumption of alcohol, sedatives and caffeine as these can worsen their mood and interfere with their ability to cope.

12. Always talk to a trusted friend, family member, doctor or counsellor about suicidal thoughts. No matter how alone and desperate you feel, there is always someone who genuinely cares and who will support you through this time.

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