Some Facts on Birth Order

Tuesday 18 December 2012 0 comments

Interesting Birth Order Facts
Here some interesting facts on birth order which was based on the Alfred Adler’s Theories
Alfred Adler’s Theories on Birth Order

Birth Order

1. First theorist to consider siblings as an early influence on personality development

2. Adler considered birth-order a heuristic to better understand people – it shouldn’t be taken as fact

Birth Order: Only Child

1. More likely than others to be pampered

2. Parents of the only child are more likely to take special care –sometimes-filled care – of their first born

3. If the parents are abusive or neglectful, on the other hand, the only child will have to bear the abuse alone

Birth Order: First Born

1. Begins life as an only child and focus of all family attention

2. Second child arrives and “dethrones” the first born, forcing a battle for their lost position
3. Some become disobedient and rebellious, others sullen and withdrawn

3. Often precocious

4. Tend to be relatively solitary and more conservation than siblings

Birth order: Second Born

1. Often opposite of the first born

2. Competitive, constantly trying to surpass the older child

3. They often succeed, but many feel as if the race is never done

4. Other “middle” children will tend to be similar to the second child, although each may focus on a different “competitor”

Birth Order: Middle Child

1. Often feels squeezed out, overlooked

2. Plays the role of mediator, peacemaker in family conflict

3. Generally have a high need for superiority

4. When third of four children, often aligns with first born

Birth Order: Youngest

1. Likely to be the most pampered in a family with other children

2. Never dethroned

3. Youngest may feel incredible inferiority, with everyone older and therefore superior

4. But may also feel driven to surpass all of their older siblings

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