Our favorite Movie Related to Our Personality

Wednesday 28 November 2012 0 comments

Our favorite Movie Related to Our Personality
Study a person character using his/her favorite movie
What your favorite movie says about you?
Your favorite Movie Related to Our Personality, According to Psychology

Two kinds of people are there:

1. People who like action and fantasy movies
2. People who like horror movies

1. People who like action and fantasy movies
Why do people like action and fantasy movies?
Apart from the excitement people get while watching these movies there is another powerful reason that motivates people to see them.

Before i tell you about this reason i must first tell you about how humans respond to stress.

Humans feel bad whenever they face a stressful situation that they can't handle. For example, you could became really stressed before a presentation because you believe that the outcome you will get is far away from being under your control.

So what does this has to do with action moves?

Action movies, fantasy movies and controlled stress
It was found that people enjoy stressful situations when they are completely in control of them and when they are in the same time short lived.

Why you think some people enjoy the roller coaster ride?
Its because people get short term excitement, or in other words short term stress, that fulfills the two conditions. First its controlled because the person knows that he is safe, secondly its short lived because the person knows that the ride will end in few minutes.

Now back to movies, the same thing happens exactly while you are watching an action movie. You get stressed and excited but in the same time you feel 100% safe. In addition you know that the movie will only last for few hours.

Movies and healthy escapement
Action and fantasy movies also provide a perfect healthy escapement environment for people who have stressful lives.

Whenever a person watches a movie he actually identifies with the hero, becomes one with him in his imagination and as a result he feels more confident by the end of the movie!

The subconscious mind can't tell the difference between the real experience and a visualized experience, so when the movie hero does heroic acts your subconscious mind believes that you are the one who did them provided that you identified with him.

didn't you notice that you walk with wider steps after seeing an action movie that you like? According to body language walking with wide steps indicates the presence of courage and confidence.

Because you, or in other words the hero you identified with, killed the bad guys, defeated the flying dragon and saved the princess you felt much more confident after watching the movie.

This is why so many people love action and fantasy movies.
2. People who like Horror Movies
why do people like horror movies
Its quite logical that people like to see comedy movies or ones that put them in pleasant moods but why would someone like a scary movie that makes him feel terrified!

Why do some people like to see sadistic movies such as Saw where actors are literary tortured in front of their eyes?

To know the answer to this question just go ahead and read this post.

Scary movies, accidents and self confidence
Lets suppose that you were having a hard time at work and were going through a deep financial crisis. What will you feel like if you met a close friend who had a similar crisis?

Certainly you are going to feel that you are not alone! now what if you met another friend who lost his house and became homeless because of a worse financial crisis!

won't you feel that your problems are not that bad after all?
Such comparisons that the mind makes can make bad things appear less bad. If you were feeling bad because you had an injury somewhere in your body then there is a big possibility that you are going to feel better about yourself if you saw someone who lost a limb!

So what does this has to do with scary movies?
Unconsciously the minds of people compares their problems to the problems of the actors they see in the movie! Its as if the subconscious mind of the person watching a horror movie is telling him something like "Hey look, there are people out there who suffer more than us!"

People like scary movies because they make them feel good!
Even though people scream, shout or even cry during some scary movies they end up feeling better about themselves because of realizing that some people suffer more than them even if those people were imaginary.
In addition, the person watching a scary movies gets a self esteem boost because he believes that he is 100% safe while all the heroes in the movie are in danger!

Of course this happens on the unconscious level. Most people will never realize the connection between their preference for horror movies and the good feelings they experience as a result of watching them.
I have said earlier that the subconsciousness mind can't tell the difference between a true and an imaginary experience, that's why movies can change our moods to a great extent even though we are 100% aware that they are not real.

Proving that i am good
Some people prefer horror movies for a different reason. They want to prove to themselves that they are brave and that they fear nothing. People always try to prove certain things true when they are not that sure of themselves.

A showy person shows off in most cases because he believes that people don't think that he is that good. People will try to challenge you to race with them only when they have doubts that they can win the race!

If they were 100% sure that they can win the race then they would have never thought about challenging you.

In short, no one reason can explain why people like horror movies as each person can have his own personal reason but in the end all reasons can be grouped under one main goal, the desire to feel good about one's self.

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